Category: Lifestyle
How does cycling affect your bones?
No matter how old you are, spring and summer in Wisconsin are great for cycling.
You can ride in your neighborhood or choose to use the miles and miles of trails winding through Wisconsin’s natural areas. These gravel or asphalt paths keep you off the main roads as you enjoy the surroundings.
If you’d rather bike to work, many cities and towns in our state have added dedicated lanes for safer travel from place to place.
But is cycling the best exercise for your bones?
Cycling offers some excellent cardiovascular health benefits.
A strong cardiovascular system improves blood […]
Stay safe and sound this hunting season
In Wisconsin, fall is the season for hunting. And the two go together like Cheeseheads and the Green Bay Packers. Take care and stay safe this hunting season.
Hunting is not for everyone. But those who take part are dedicated to the sport. It’s tradition. Hunters plan and prepare for months before the season opener. Scouting out the best spots. Constructing hunting blinds. And airing out clothing to remove all human scent.
Surprisingly, even though the sport of hunting uses equipment designed for deadly force, […]
Is foam rolling right for you?
If you’ve visited a gym, walked through a sports store, or watched fitness videos online, you’ve probably seen an image of someone using a foam roller.
Are foam rollers beneficial recovery tools for muscles?
Some studies have found foam rollers relax muscles and help prevent delayed onset muscle soreness.
If you’re a serious athlete, a weekend warrior, or an occasional fitness buff, you’ve probably experienced the condition first-hand.
According to the National Library of Medicine, delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS describes the mild to severe muscle tenderness people feel after a new or particularly strenuous workout.
Healthcare providers can diagnose DOMS but […]
Avoid these 12 Common Workout Mistakes
Are you making any of these common workout mistakes in your routine?
Whether you’re a dedicated runner, weightlifter, or cross trainer, even just a few common workout mistakes can derail your progress.
The wrong habits can slow you down, set you back, and increase your risk of injury. Check out a dozen of the most common workout mistakes below and see if they are interfering with your physical fitness routine.
#1 Not taking a rest or recovery day during the week.
Your muscles need rest to heal the microscopic tears that strengthen them. Rest may include a day off from working out or include a restoration day […]
It’s Tick Season
If you live in Wisconsin, you know it’s tick season.
And with ticks comes the possibility of Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by the saliva of black-legged or deer ticks. Ticks often secrete anesthesia as they bite, so the bite is painless.
Since we know ticks transmit Lyme disease, it should be easy to stop, right?
Not really. Besides biting painlessly, deer ticks are small. Adults are the size of sesame seeds, while the younger nymphs that also carry Lyme disease are the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Their size makes it challenging to find them.
Not all ticks […]