Physical therapy focuses on gaining maximum movement of the joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the body.
It includes physical manipulation of joints, patient education, and a series of exercises or movements designed to lessen the effects of mobility disorders caused by injury, surgery, overuse, scar tissue, or disease.
Bone & Joint Physical Therapy can help you restore function, reduce pain, and minimize the symptoms of repetitive movements.
The goal of our physical therapists is to help you return to a healthy range of motion so that you can enjoy your life, work, or sports-related hobbies.
Physical therapy helps people:
- Restore balance
- Retrain muscles
- Manage pain
- Develop smooth walking gaits
If you need a cane, splint, or orthotics, Bone & Joint’s physical therapists will help you learn how to use mobility assistant devices confidently and correctly.
Physical therapy helps you move better after surgery, illness, or injury.
Licensed therapists and certified therapy assistants provide patient instruction, manual manipulations, and supervise individualized therapy plans to restore your health and motion.
At your first appointment, your physical therapist will examine your physical condition and assess your movement before developing a customized mobility plan.
Your plan will be reviewed by Bone & Joint’s orthopedic team, which ensures you receive the most up-to-date treatments.
Physical therapy helps:
- High school athletes who want to get back in the game
- Weekend warriors who want to move with confidence
- People who suffered illness who want to regain mobility
- Active and energetic seniors who want to stay independent
Bone & Joint’s physical therapy team provides pain management, manual, hands-on manipulation of joints and muscles, scar management, range-of-motion programs, and edema management.
If you are injured on the job, at play, or your movement is limited due to surgery or illness, Bone & Joint’s physical therapists have the training and the expertise to get you back on the job, back in the game, and back to your life.
Physical therapy can help you before surgery.
Surgical procedures such as joint replacements cause stress and strain on other parts of the body during recovery.
For instance, a man who has had his knee replaced will put more pressure on his shoulder, arm, and opposite knee as he moves with crutches or a walker for the first few weeks after surgery.
Pre-surgical physical therapy helps you increase the performance and strength of the supporting muscles and ligaments for the added workload as you recover.
Physical therapy helps athletes stay in the game longer.
Physical therapy is part of a comprehensive injury prevention program. Our team of sports medicine specialists and physical therapists can design injury prevention plans for athletes based on their sport.
Physical therapy helps athletes prevent injuries by strengthening the muscles supporting the tendons and ligaments needed to boost endurance and performance.
Our all-inclusive orthopedic team is dedicated to keeping you healthy and moving at your best, so you can play your best game.