Our Commitment to Compliance
Compliance Hotline
Bone & Joint has a commitment to promote adherence to applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations as they relate to the provision of health care services.
Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation
Where known, Bone & Joint will strive to keep the identity of personnel who make a report confidential. However, Bone & Joint Center cannot guarantee that information will remain confidential, such as during situations that require government involvement.
When a report is made, Bone & Joint pledge to promptly investigate and resolve the issue. All matters will be investigated. We do not retaliate, discipline, or discriminate against any person for reporting a suspected ethics or compliance violation when done in good faith.
Compliance Contact Form
If you have a compliance concern, you may submit your concern or question via the form below, email compliancehotline@bonejoint.net directly, or call 715-393-0322. If you wish to remain anonymous, simply omit your personal information on the submission form below.