Experience Top Notch Care at Our Onsite Musculoskeletal Surgery Center.
Conveniently located at the base of Rib Mountain, our onsite musculoskeletal surgery center allows Bone & Joint’s highly skilled surgeons to perform many orthopedic procedures, from minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery to complex total joint reconstructions. Choosing to have your procedure at Bone & Joint’s Rib Mountain Surgery Center results in less wait time and lower costs because our independent surgery is free of hospital overhead costs.
225000 Hummingbird Rd Wausau WI 54401
Why choose Bone & Joint’s Musculoskeletal Surgery Center?
On-site Technology
Bone & Joint’s Surgery Center in Rib Mountain offers patients the latest in technology, featuring Mako Robotics for total hip and knee replacement surgeries. With access to onsite diagnostic equipment in our adjacent clinic, including MRI, X-ray, and ultrasound technology, there’s no need to visit multiple locations for tests or scans.