Pain Management Specialists

Pain Management Specialists

You don’t have to live in pain. We can help.

Pain, especially chronic pain, affects you physically—and emotionally. Bone & Joint’s board-certified Pain Management Specialists will work with you to find the cause of your acute or chronic pain and create a personalized care plan that fits your lifestyle and provides you with relief.

Pain Management Conditions

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Chronic pain is ongoing pain that lasts more than 12 weeks. Often it begins during an initial injury, such as a back sprain or a pulled muscle. It can also start because of long-term issues like arthritis or cancer. Chronic pain continues when nerves become damaged or pinched. You don’t have to suffer with pain. If you’ve experienced pain that has lasted longer than 12 weeks, make an appointment with a pain management specialist to find relief.


Chronic pain ranges from a dull constant ache to a sharp shooting pain. Some types of chronic pain develop after being triggered by an injury. Most pain is isolated to the location an of injury, like a sprained ankle for example. Other instances of chronic pain, like Sciatica, shoot pain through the length of the nerve, making it harder to find. While all pain can be managed, the exact causes of chronic pain without injury are harder to diagnose.

Migraine, cluster, or stress headaches cause severe throbbing head pain. In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, and over-sensitivity to light and sound accompany the pain. In the case of migraines, some people suffer from “auras” (flashes of light or blind spots,) a tingling face, arms or legs, or sometimes slurred speech. If you’ve experienced headache pain for three weeks or more, contact a pain management specialist.

Common Causes:

The causes of migraines, clusters, and stress-related headaches are often complex. Key triggers can include genetics, food sensitivities, stress, and environmental factors. Hormonal changes, sleep disorders, weather, new medications, and dietary changes, can cause headaches.

Description: Four out of five Americans will experience moderate to severe back pain at least once during their lifetime. Our backs are a complex structure of 34 vertebrae that protect the spinal cord and are connected to 200 ligaments and 120 muscles. An injury in just one area has the potential to cause pain, limit movement, and interfere with daily activities.

Common Symptoms and Causes:

Loss of movement, sharp shooting pain, dull aches, and stiffness are all symptoms of back and neck conditions. The type of pain felt depends on the cause of the condition. Pinched nerves, herniated or bulging discs, muscle strains, or whiplash injuries can cause intense and acute pain. There are also habits that can lead to backaches, neck pain, and misalignment. These habits include lack of exercise, weight gain, and poor posture. Other conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis and fibromyalgia can cause long-term pain and stiffness.

Joint pain, tenderness, and stiffness are often associated with arthritis. Osteoarthritis is often age-related and is caused by general wear and tear, which breaks down the cartilage in your joints. Osteoarthritis may also result from damage caused by an accident or injury. Misalignments, scar tissue, and overuse cause the tissues in the joint to deteriorate.

Another cause of arthritis is related to an autoimmune condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where the immune system attacks the lining of joints.

Psoriatic arthritis is a third type of arthritis stemming from a progressive inflammatory disease that affects the joints and tendons. It is associated with a skin condition called psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis often flares up when the immune system becomes more active.

Common Symptoms:

The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. These symptoms worsen over time. Arthritis can cause changes in the bones and deterioration of the tissues that hold the joint together. While the condition can affect any joint in the body, it is often localized to specific joints. Left untreated, pain and loss of movement will increase.

Work-related injuries refer to any injury, illness, or condition suffered on the job. Physical injuries, occupational illnesses, and repetitive-stress injuries are examples of work-related injuries and may qualify for workers compensation under certain conditions.
Post-traumatic pain occurs during the healing of physical injuries. Whether the pain results from a blunt-force injury that breaks a bone or damages a joint or pain begins when soft tissues, muscles, and nerves are cut, lacerated, or damaged in other ways, Bone & Joint’s pain management specialists can help you improve movement and reduce pain. Any severity of trauma (even minor injuries) can cause post-traumatic pain.

Postoperative pain occurs after surgery and is usually localized around the newly created wound. Pain levels depend on the type of surgery (open or arthroscopic) and the surgical location. All surgeries will require some type of pain management to keep the patient comfortable the first few hours and days after surgery.

Common Symptoms:

Pain is often present after surgery. At first the pain may be intense, especially near the incision site. It may be painful to move. But as the body heals, the pain should decrease. After surgery, it is important to be aware of any increase in pain, swelling, or redness. It could signal an infection at the surgical site or a blood clot. Contact your surgeon immediately if your pain increases or moves to an area another than the surgical site.

Pain Management Services

Bone & Joint’s pain management specialists work with you to create a customized plan to treat your condition based on your personal preferences. From physical therapy and manipulation to nerve blockers, radio frequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation or epidurals, our pain management team has the tools and expertise to help relieve chronic pain.


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