Physical & Occupational Therapy Specialists

Physical & Occupational Therapy Specialists

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Recover faster and move better with physical and occupational therapy.

The experts at Bone & Joint understand what pain can do to you physically and emotionally. That’s why our team works with you to find the source of your acute or chronic pain and develops an integrated treatment plan that is customized for your situation.

With physical therapy locations in Medford, Merrill, Mosinee, Plover, Rib Mountain, and Weston, we’re conveniently located for easy patient access.

Request an appointment online or call Physical & Occupational Therapy providers at 715-393-0479.

Physical & Occupational Therapy Conditions

Bone & Joint’s physical and occupational therapists provide orthopedic-focused care to increase movement and performance throughout your recovery. Services include:

  • Post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Pre-operative therapy appointments
  • Treatment for a work-related injury
  • Hands-on, manual manipulation therapy to help you relieve pain

Physical and occupational therapy help people recover movement after illnesses and injuries such as:

Surgery places added stress on the body, especially during recovery.

Prehab physical therapy can help strengthen muscle groups that you will need to compensate for movement after surgery.

Prehab physical therapy also helps strengthen the surgical area and helps speed healing.

Post-surgical rehab is recommended after all surgeries. A hybrid approach including prescribed at-home exercises in combined with a formal physical therapy program yields the best results during recovery.

Bone & Joint’s physical and occupational therapists will work with you before and after surgery to create a personalized plan that helps you recover and regain the maximum range of motion possible so you can get back to your life.

Chronic pain is ongoing and lasts 12 weeks or longer. The condition usually develops after nerves become damaged or pinched. Chronic pain is often triggered by an initial injury, such as a back sprain, a pulled muscle, or long-term illnesses such as arthritis or cancer.

Chronic pain presents itself in many forms, from a constant dull ache or intense nagging pain to a sharp shooting pain.

Sprains and strains are some of the most common injuries. Over rotation of a joint, or too much stress on the muscles can cause these similar but distinct conditions. A strain involves the overextension of a muscle or the band of tissue that attaches muscle to bone. A sprain on the other hand involves, the overextension and stretching of the bands of tissue that connect two bones together at a joint.


The pain of a strain or sprain can be intense for the first 24 or 48 hours. If intense pain continues for more than a day or two or if there is not a normal return to range of motion within two weeks, schedule an appointment with an orthopedic provider.

Common Causes:

Lifting heavy objects can cause strains, while twisting or bending a joint past its normal limits or in the opposite direction can cause a sprain. The force of the injury determines the severity of the strain or sprain.

Sports injuries are commonly caused by overuse of a particular muscle group, a direct hit, a hard fall, or forceful injury.

Common Causes:

Falls, overuse, or sports-related injuries may cause bruises, sprains, strains, broken bones, ACL tears, meniscus tears, concussions, rotator cuff injuries, dislocations, and other joint injuries.

Lower back pain is a common problem that can severely impact quality of life. It can limit activity and lead to missed workdays.

Common Causes:

Many cases of low back pain are related to muscle or ligament strains. Compression of the spinal nerves, spinal fractures, herniated discs, or bone spurs can cause the condition as well.

Orthopedic injuries include any injury to the musculoskeletal system. Often, these injuries relating to the bones and joints are a result of an accident or trauma to the body.

Common Causes:

Falls and impact-related injuries often cause dislocations, fractures, hernias (sports hernias), impingements, overuse injuries, sprains, and strains

Additional Conditions:

  • Spinal laminectomies and fusions
  • Sports Injuries
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Knee injuries including:
  • ACL/MCL/LCL repairs and reconstruction
  • Meniscal tears
  • Patella-femoral pain
  • Shoulder injuries and procedures such as:
  • Rotator cuff repair
  • Shoulder dislocations
  • Shoulder separations
  • Foot and ankle injuries
  • Ankle injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles’ tendon issues
  • Joint Replacements in the shoulder, hip, or knee
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Muscle strains
  • Ligaments sprains
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Neck and back conditions
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerative discs
  • Scoliosis
  • Spondylosis

Physical & Occupational Therapy Services

Bone & Joint’s dedicated orthopedic therapists have the expertise to treat conditions affecting the neck, back, and joints caused by illness or injuries. They also help people recover and regain strength and range of motion after an illness or surgical procedures.

Pain Management refers to a set of treatments that help relieve pain caused by muscle, joint, or nerve injuries or diseases. Pain management may include manual manipulation methods such as physical therapy, interventional treatments such as spinal injections or corticosteroid shots, or medicinal treatments such as Botox injections for migraine. The treatment prescribed depends on the patient’s condition and pain level.

Common Causes:

Chronic or uncontrolled pain can result from injury, illness, or a surgical procedure. Sometimes the body’s nervous system overreacts, telling the brain pain still exists though the physical injury has healed. At other times, a degenerative condition causes an increase in pain. Pain in the head, neck, and spine often requires pain management care. Other conditions that require the services of a pain management specialist include migraines, arthritis, post-traumatic and postoperative pain, accidents and industrial injuries, cancer pain, and nerve related conditions.

A manual technique used by therapists to promote proper movements of joints.  Each joint in our body has certain movements that need to occur to function properly.  Mobilizations can be utilized on patients that have had a recent surgery or injury as well as patients with arthritic conditions.  Joint mobilizations help decrease pain and restore range of motion to injured joints.

Dry needling is a safe, effective, and relatively pain-free procedure used to treat myofascial and persistent pain. During treatment, a trained practitioner, usually a pain management specialist or a physical therapist, inserts very thin stainless-steel, monofilament needles into trigger points of tight muscles. The needles inject nothing into the body. The treatment helps improve movement and flexibility, relieves pain, reactivates knotted muscles, relieves trigger points, and promotes recovery. Dry needling is not acupuncture, which is a Chinese medicine treatment.

Common Causes:

Dry needling may be an effective treatment for people who suffer from deep persistent pain, joint pain, migraines, tight muscles, tendonitis, or scar tissue. The therapy is not recommended for pregnant women, people who are afraid of needles, or people who take blood-thinning medications.

Orthpedic injuries occur to the musculoskeletal system. This can include injuries related to bones, muscles and tendons. Some examples include: Sprains, strains, fractures, and arthritis to name a few. Therapist are trained to treat the problems that come with the injury as well as to decrease risk of re-injury.

Hand therapy is a unique and specialized division of physical therapy treatment aimed at restoring the complex movements of the fingers, hands, wrists, and arms. Often, hand therapy provided by a certified hand therapy specialist is the difference between successful mobility outcomes after injury or surgery and loss of movement.


Hand therapy may help reduce pain and increase range of motion after surgery, illness, stroke, arthritis, or other conditions affecting the nerves of the fingers, hands, and wrists to reduce pain and increase movement.

Injuries that occur in the workplace are typically covered by Worker’s Compensation insurance. Therapists focus on treating the injury as well as rehabilitating the injured worker based on the activities required to return to their normal job duties.


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